Safety Assurance Statement

  La Mirada Academy 

Principal’s Safety Assurance Plan

Dana Spencer, Principal

La Mirada Academy Safe Schools Plan has the goal of securing the well-being of our students in the event of any concern that might compromise the well-being of our students.  This plan addresses several core safety issues to address this goal.  This plan was written and then approved by the La Mirada Academy Site Council with the goal of designing a safety plan relevant to the needs and resources of the school and its students.  La Mirada is home to approximately 1, 045 students.  Local law enforcement and city officials were consulted during the writing and approval process to assist the administration in designing a safety, disaster, and behavior plan and visit annually to observe our drill routines.  The student population is approximately 73% Hispanic, so all of the rules, procedures, and policies are translated into Spanish to assist both students and parents. 

Three essential components were addressed when writing the plan.  The components are listed below, along with the strategies in place to ensure that student safety is enforced.

Assuring a Safe Physical Environment

  • Disaster plan, procedures and drills are designed and rehearsed to ensure the safety of all students in the event of a disaster or armed intruder.
  • California Education Code and SMUSD Board Policies regarding behavior, suspension and expulsion are communicated to students, parents and staff via parent handbooks, behavior assemblies and staff meetings.
  • Mandated reporting policies on child abuse, dangerous students and sexual harassment are presented verbally and in written form to all members of the staff prior to the school year.  All staff has been trained in being a mandated reporter.
  • School discipline plans are communicated to students during the opening week of school assemblies and provide students with an understanding of the school rules as well as rewards and consequences. 
  • Visitor policies are communicated and logs are kept to protect the safety of all students.  Our school utilizes the Ident-a-Kid software to track visitors and students arriving late and leaving early.
  • The observation policy is available on-line to all parents who wish to observe in their child’s classroom. 
  • Staff members are aware of options based responses to emergency situations. 

Assuring an Emotionally Nurturing Environment

  • Emotional assistance is provided to those students determined by the Student Success Team as at-risk.
  • Students are able to access services from the school based counselor and social worker.
  • After School Care provided through the Boys and Girls Club by a grant, fosters growth of academic and interpersonal skills.
  • Safety Patrol provides older children the opportunity to develop responsibility for their younger peers.

 Students will be responsible for showing empathy towards others, their actions and
respecting their environment.

Student Resiliency Skills

  • Red Ribbon Week activities stress drug awareness and a commitment to remain drug free. 
  • A part-time school social worker run small groups to work on social and adaptive skills.
  • School Counselor presents Second Step lessons in classrooms to support self-management.
  • School Counselor works with middle school aged students to promote college and career readiness. 
  • Structured teacher planning days allow teachers at each grade level to collaborate to plan instruction and assessment to meet the needs of all learners. 
  • Student Council fosters student involvement and shared decision making.
  • The Site Leadership Team meets monthly to ensure students’ safety, emotional and academic needs at each grade level are addressed and that the school climate is one of shared leadership.
  • Drills are scheduled and practiced throughout the year to assure that all students know what is expected if a real emergency were to occur. 

The La Mirada Academy Safe Schools Plan is a working document that helps to create an environment where children can feel secure and grow. 




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